Here is a distillation of all of the assignments in the syllabus in one place. As you go out shooting, (or in shooting in your home) you may work ahead and backwards as time progresses...
Create a Google Drive folder and share it with me. ( Put your name on the folder and Mod 5, 2020 Once you click on the folder, right click on it and then click "share", enter, then send.
1. Introduction to Composition, shoot in a built environment using geometry, lines, angles, etc. to fill the frame to make interesting designs or compositions. Pay particular attention to how light is working and where the focal point is..
2. Water, nature, not built environment. Reflections, patterns, textures, light, light, light.. water in and form... running, still, frozen, fluid, etc.
3. Light and Shadow... Find patterns of shadow and light. Relate this back to the first assignment, ie, fill the frame, make an interesting design. Look around your house, in the street, downtown, etc... tree shadows on snow or pavement can be good... it is harder to work in nature though.
4. Macro... move in and fill the frame with tiny objects... Remember to pay attention to light again... move in close, fill the frame.
5. Window light portrait. Take someone or a pet by a window. Put your shoulder against the same wall the window is on. Turn the face toward the light. Hold the camera vertically. Crop in to the top of the head. Put more space in front of the face, in other words, don't center the head in the frame.
All of the above images were taken by my Intro to Photography (Digital Photography) students this past semester.
All work submitted should be new work and not pulled from your vacation trip last year.
Might be a stupid question, but should the Google Drive folder name be for Mod 3 2021?