Sunday, February 7, 2021

Lights and Shadows

 Here are a few of my favorites from this week's assignment...

1 comment:

  1. My favorite ones are numbers one, four and five. Number four I like particularly because of the quality of light as well as composition. The way the frame is divided up between object and its projection on the wall and the strong diagonal line of the board the object is sitting on bring together the first weekend this week in a nice way. Number five is just nicely observed and naturally occurring in that setting. As is number one. One of the difficulty with taking pictures of set ups that is placing objects around and almost forcing the picture say like in the second one is that it's less convincing is a photograph. The next one down which is the sculpture sitting on the floor is an okay description of the object but doesn't necessarily make for an interesting photograph. Do you see the difference? Keep going!
