Monday, January 11, 2021

Tehya's Introduction

Hi everyone! My name is Tehya Novella (pronounced Tay-uh). I know, it's a weird name, but it's mine. This is the second half of my junior year here at Albertus and I'm excited to be doing photography during it just as I did last semester, especially since I now have an actual camera to rely on instead of just my phone camera. I'm looking forward to where this Mod will take me. Now for the stuff about me: I'm an Art Major (formerly Criminal Justice but I switched because I love art more), I always have some sort of art supplies with me, be it a sketch pad, pencils, or just having my phone camera on to take pictures. I also write a lot, and I mean A LOT! Out of everything, the thing I do most is drawing. I actually am working on sketching some small things from photos I took this past winter (nothing big, just small stuff like bushes or road signs or flowers). Photography is a close second love of mine, but still a big part of my love of art. As I said earlier, I'm excited to be doing it again this semester as I did with the last, and I look forward to where the class will take me. 


  1. Hi Tehya... that's great that you have a new camera... what kind is it? I'd like to teach you how to get the most out of it...

    Welcome back!

  2. Hi Professor Nevins! Thanks for the offer to help! The kind of camera I have is a Canon DSLR.
