Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Taken as I was waiting for my bus. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the composition... this is the best one of the ones posted to your Drive. I find the saturation of the blue sky to be a bit excessive and distracting. Often, when you darken an area like this, saturation (intensity ) goes up.One question I ask when I begin to edit is, Is this about color? Is color important to this shot? Would the photograph be stronger in B and W? I noticed that you need to change your camera settings from most efficient to most compatible as your files are .heic and Photoshop can't read that format. Very Important....! Please post your unedited pictures in your drive then create a sub-folder where you put your edits. There should be at least 50 unedited images and 10 edits in each assignment folder.
