Saturday, January 30, 2021

By the Sea- Assignment 2

I would say these are my best shots for this assignment.  My mother in law lives on Milford beach so I was fortunate enough to get some really nice shots at different times.  I also featured a few really good ones from a hike this week. 


  1. Remember that you should post only the full size files with the metadata attached to Drive, edit your best 10 take during the time class is in session and post your best 5 or 6 here. These seemed to be downloaded from Instagram where you may have an account... in doing that, they became too small to be of use for the class and the metadata is stripped off... Can you fix this?

  2. Hi Madison,
    I really like the shot of the water stream in the woods, the sunset, and the last one with the bird flying over the water. Nice color touch ups.
