Thursday, December 31, 2020

Welcome to Digital Photography I.  Take a moment to watch the how to post video linked above.  It is important that you respond to the email blogger sent you in order to join the blog.  Only members can post and comment here. Class runs from May 27th - July 1st, 2020.

Once you get going, you will see that it is easy and intuitive... and so much nicer looking than the eLearning shell.  Albertus is a Google Apps for Education campus, and Blogger is one of the apps available to you.

 For the first week, I want you to get up and running and post a bio with a photo here.  Please state what camera you will be using.  If a phone, state the model. Download and install Photoshop using your Albertus credentials.  (link above). You should have either a Windows pc or laptop or a Mac desktop or laptop.  A chrome book can't run Photoshop.  If that's what you have, then you'll need to work on your phone to edit your phone cam pictures and upload to the blog from your phone... Another possibility is that you could receive a remote login to an Albertus computer with Photoshop and run it from your Chromebook.

Read through the assignments in the syllabus.  Use Google images to get ideas for your work.  The first assignment, Introduction to Composition asks you to think about finding geometry in your compositions using the built environment (not nature)  Here is a good short tutorial on the subject.

This is a workshop class.  To succeed, you need to post 6-10 of your best pieces, edited in Photoshop for light and focal point each week.  I take attendance on Monday morning for the previous week's work.  I want you to have fun with this class.  Looking forward to working with you!

Here I am this spring before the Corona Virus sent  us home, teaching Ceramics to the undergraduate day students.